The Washington Building is a trademark location in Durham’s American Tobacco Campus. Originally built in 1904, this masonry structure is home to a variety of tenants, including restaurants, factories, offices, and residential spaces.

BridgePoint General Contracting relied on EDS to restore the integrity of this building during the fall of 2016. EDS completed a variety of skilled services including wet seal, tuck pointing, masonry restoration, and brick replacement, while implementing historic restoration techniques.

EDS completed the five-month long project with 100% building occupancy. There were many obstacles, including aquatic landscape fixtures and pedestrian traffic throughout the popular location. In addition to using ground and scaffold access, multiple boom lifts were utilized, including electric lifts to eliminate noise and air pollution.

Throughout the duration of the project, EDS worked with the customer on additional services without extending the project end date significantly. EDS completed the project without any tenant complaints or disruptions. It was an honor to work with BridgePoint and ATC on this project!

“The EDS team was dedicated to meeting and even exceeding the highquality standards set forth at the beginning of the project. In addition to their safety procedures, they communicated proactively throughout the project with comprehensive reports and updates. The project was delivered on time and within budget.”

Will Hunt, Project Manager